A documentary film highlighting Ford's decades-long work at the ancient city site and surrounding forest, "El Pilar: Preserving the Maya Legacy," premiered Oct. 1, at the Catalina Film Festival. The film, which received the Award of Excellence in the conservation category, can be viewed online at https://vimeo.com/163885061/cebab0ccef
List of winners from the Catalina Film Festival, In Category Conservation- El Pilar: Preserving the Maya Legacy: http://catalinafilm.org/cffweb/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/CATALINA-FILM-FEST-2016-AWARD-WINNERS-1.pdf
UCSB News article: https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/unearthing-ancient-city
Breaking Belize News coverage with trailer: http://www.breakingbelizenews.com/2016/09/26/el-pilar-preserving-maya-legacy-air-saturday/
film highlighting Ford’s decades-long work at the ancient city site and surrounding forest, “El
Pilar: Preserving the Maya Legacy,” premiered Oct. 1, at the Catalina Film Festival. The film, which received the Award of Excellence in the conservation category, can be viewed online at - See more at:
film highlighting Ford’s decades-long work at the ancient city site and surrounding forest, “El
Pilar: Preserving the Maya Legacy,” premiered Oct. 1, at the Catalina Film Festival. The film, which received the Award of Excellence in the conservation category, can be viewed online at - See more at:
film highlighting Ford’s decades-long work at the ancient city site and surrounding forest, “El
Pilar: Preserving the Maya Legacy,” premiered Oct. 1, at the Catalina Film Festival. The film, which received the Award of Excellence in the conservation category, can be viewed online at - See more at: