Over the past ten years, the innovations of the El Pilar Program have constructed an interdisciplinary progressive strategy for the El Pilar Archaeological Reserve for Maya Flora and Fauna. The program has impacts in almost every ministry of government and has regular interaction with most. Initiated as a collaborative research project in archaeology and operating with permit with the Department of Archaeology, El Pilar was destined as a tourism destination. Its location at the border with the Petén of Guatemala brought in Foreign Affairs. Support from other ministries, such as Agriculture and Natural Resources, relate to the investigations into traditional forest gardening. And there are other links with the rural focus of community participation and capacity building: Rural, Human, and Economic Development, as well as Education and Civil Society.
There are few areas that the program does not touch upon, and inclusion is the watchword. The El Pilar Program acknowledges the honor and the opportunity to promote new and innovative management designs. Developed from experiences from many distinct fields and professions, with contributions of time, knowledge and funds, the results of the first decade of the El Pilar vision are heartening.